September’s Newsletter
Our September newsletter is out. . . our new Olympia academy, funding from GHC Foundation, a series on Native Cooperative Ownership, an opportunity to convert a farm into a co-op, and a report from the Cascade ROC Conference. #cooperatives #ROCs #Olympia #CoopsBuildBackBetter
NWCDC on Everything Co-op
In case you missed it, NWCDC’s own John McNamara appeared on Everything Co-op, a weekly radio show out of Washington DC hosted by the eminent Vernon Oakes. You can tune in to listen to their discussion about the Co-op Index and everything co-op! Click to Listen
Community Supported Caffeine!
We are reposting Burial Grounds exciting new concept: Community Supported Caffeine! “As we face a future full of uncertainty, we know that we are not alone. We’ve made it this far only with your unbelievable support. As worker owners of the newly established Burial Grounds Coffee Collective, Rogue Tea, and Todai Yoga Studio, we cannot […]
New Moon Café
New Moon Café is currently closed. However, you can support them during the pandemic in two ways. People can purchase gift certificates at their website. People can also make direct donations here. There are a number of co-ops in our area that seek support. Check and share our page supporting these co-op fund drives!
Working Systems Closes on Sale
The employees of Working Systems, Inc., after a year of preparation and planning, closed on the sale of the business. Now Working Systems Cooperative, the co-op has 13 members and 2 probationary members. They are the State of Washington’s first* “Union Co-op”. Union Co-ops are worker co-ops in which the workers also maintain a collective […]
Friday Film Fest Episode 3
This week, we visit New Hampshire and a Resident Owned Community. In these communities, the residents generally own their manufactured home and the co-operative owns the land and infrastructure. You can learn more about our Resident Owned Community program at ROC Northwest.