Educational Opportunities to Fit Your Budget

Management education native to the co-operative experience has been growing over the last decade. NWCDC is proud to be associated with three exciting programs. NWCDC is a member of the Co-operative Management Education Co-operative which provides curriculum and support for the Masters program at St. Mary’s University in Nova Scotia. One of our developers, John […]

NWCDC Featured on The Way

Recently, one of our co-op developers, John McNamara, met with The to discuss how worker cooperatives engage the market place and add value in their industry along with the challenges with collective entrepreneurship. John mentioned some the exciting trends such as Home Care Co-ops where “Worker co-ops help create strong support networks and fair […]

Summer Course on Worker Cooperatives

Want to learn about the Worker Coop model? Know someone considering organizing a worker coop? Please forward this email to anyone whom you think might be interested in registering for this course. This summer, The Evergreen State College will be offering Worker Cooperatives, An Introduction during the second summer session. This four-credit course meets on […]

2015 Conferences

Strengthen your cooperative by participating in these events and learn from peers and professionals committed to the cooperative model. June 11-13 Consumer Cooperative Management Association (Boise, ID) July 10 Advancing the Development of Worker Cooperatives (Worchester, MA) July 12-13: Association of Cooperative Educators Institute (Amherst, MA) July 10-12 Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy (Worchester, MA) […]

Northwest Co-op Movement Strong

Across the Northwest, hundreds of co-ops are providing communities with needed goods and services as well as livelihoods for local workers.  In keeping with the United Nations declaration of 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives, which recognized the diversity of the co-operative movement around the world and urged governments to take measures aimed at […]

Cooperatives — the business model of the future featured the Cultivating NW Co-ops conference, held in October 2012 in Seattle and co-hosted by NWCDC and three other partners.  The six-state conference considered how cooperative business models will contribute to the future of our local and regional food systems. Gail Nickel-Kailing of GoodFoodWorld spoke with Jan Tusick, Center Director for Mission Mountain Food […]

Your Food Co-op IS Local!

Here are inspiring statistics of the value added to your community by your food co-op:  20% of the products are locally sourced (versus 6% with conventional stores) and involve working with a surprisingly large number of local farmers and producers:  157 versus 65 by a conventional store.  And there are the broader benefits of earning a […]

Lightbox Video

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