In Celebration of International Day of the Cooperatives
Principle 6 of Cooperatives states: “Cooperation Among Cooperatives: Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional, and international structures.”

Principle #8 of The CooperationWorks! Principles states: “Recognize that Development Never Ends: Co-op developers are instrumental for co-ops across their life cycle. They coach co-op leaders to co-create new and better ways to meet member needs: economic, environmental, and social.”
We lean into these principles by helping the co-ops in our service area benefit from engaging in the cooperative values of solidarity and self-help.”

Co-ops that are members of the following co-op networking organizations will receive a “Principle 6” Discount of 10% on our fee-for-service rate (currently $150/hour) on all development and education services from NWCDC. The qualifying organizations include:
US Federation of Worker
CooperativesCascade Cooperatives
Olympic Cooperative Network
Rogue Co-ops
Coops do better when they connect to other co-ops and when they actively work to create systems of governance and management aligned with Cooperative Identity.