MOCA Pt 4: Digital Marketing

Cooper Eaton is a creative director and co-founder of Story 2 Designs, a worker-owned cooperative design studio. He has helped nonprofits, small businesses, and other worker-owned cooperatives build websites and brands for the last 5 years. During his talk, we’ll go over the structure of a brand identity, how to express your identity in your […]

MOCA Pt 7: Tales From the Field

Join this panel discussion of people currently working to tell their cooperative’s stories. This 90 minutes webinar will feature 4 cooperators talking about what works for their co-op, lessons learned, and how to create a cooperative advantage. We will be updating our presenters and bios as we get closer to the date. Watch the Video […]

MOCA Pt 6: Complaint Management

Complaints are often seen as an issue of accountability and discipline, but rethinking them as part of an overall marketing strategy can help a co-op better align operations to customer expectations. This webinar will examine complaint management as a marketing tool, the value of loyal customers, how to respond in a way to builds loyalty, […]

MOCA pt 3: Business Model Canvas

The Business Canvas Model The Business Canvas Model a visual tool for developing new or existing businesses models. The business model canvas looks at nine key elements for developing your business model: Partners, Cost Structure, Key Activities, Resources, Value Propositions, Revenue Streams, Customer Relationships, Channels and Customer Segments. In this session we will use the […]

Marketing Symposium Session 1

Design and Communications Bootstrap: Starter tools for your business Learn about free or low-cost tools that you can start to implement immediately to support your business, as well as learn how to effectively plan your online presence. If you are a startup, or looking to brush up on new tools to help you make the […]

Early Bird Pricing for 2020 Co-op Impact On-line Conference

Join Your Cooperative Community Early Bird Pricing ends August 18th Under the theme, “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” the 2020 Co-op IMPACT Conference will amplify how cooperatives are addressing their obligations to create diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces and boards, and how co-ops can better meet the needs of communities that have been excluded from economic […]

NWCDC Seeks Cooperative Housing Specialist

Applications due July 31, 2020. See our ad for more information or download the announcement. This position is focused on assisting homeowner cooperatives through the transactional process of purchasing the land underneath their homes and providing ongoing organizational development and technical assistance training to the boards of directors, committees and members of resident owned manufactured […]

Opportunity to Purchase

Grace Lee, a Master’s in Public Administration Graduate student at The Evergreen State College, has been researching limited equity housing co-ops, housing land trusts, and the opportunity to purchase law in collaboration with NWCDC.   Grace recently wrapped up her final capstone project where she coordinated a community forum on creating an opportunity to purchase ordinance in […]

CDF Funds CROCC 2020

The Cascade ROC Conference (CROCC) for 2020 received a generous $1,000 donation from the Cooperative Development Fund’s Cooperative Education Fund. This conference brings the leaders of Resident Owned Communities from Oregon and Washington together for intensive one-day training in best practices for governance and cooperative practices. The Cooperative Education Fund supports cooperative research, sponsors cooperative education events and […]