Friday Film Fest Episode 4–Argentina

This week we take a look at the Argentinian recovered factory efforts. This movement was examined in the 2006 film by Avi Lewis and Naomi Klein, The Take. This weeks video visits some of the factories in 2015:

Summer Course on Worker Cooperatives

Want to learn about the Worker Coop model? Know someone considering organizing a worker coop? Please forward this email to anyone whom you think might be interested in registering for this course. This summer, The Evergreen State College will be offering Worker Cooperatives, An Introduction during the second summer session. This four-credit course meets on […]

Food co-ops are truly local!

Food co-ops are all about better food, stronger communities and a healthier world.  They have a big impact on their communities and local foods.  It’s because co-ops are owned and governed by member-shoppers and rooted in principles like community, voluntary and open membership, economic participation and cooperation. The study, Healthy Foods Healthy Communities: The Social […]